5 Ways to Get Back into a Work Week Routine

5 Ways to Get Back into a Work Week Routine


Spring is all about second chances and growth. Although, it’s easy to let your head get stuck in the clouds, dream the days away, and let your work pile up. I have been there, done that, as they say and these are my go-to methods for getting back on track during the work week.

1. Give yourself an outline and a story.

A skill that all improvisers pride themselves in is the ability to think quickly on their feet, but even the best improvisers can’t keep it all in their heads. Get it out of your head and into the interwebs: Utilize online calendars and planners. My favorites are Google Calendar, Trello, OneNote, and Asana.

Keep a physical planner handy as well. This way you are able to easily assess your commitments for the day and understand what you need to do. I like to think about it like this: online calendars and planners are my outline and my daily planner is how I’m writing the story.

2. Don’t catch up, slow down.

*Cues horror movie soundtrack*

Now now, we all know that sleeping in is a coveted ritual. I personally love to sleep in. We all look forward to that Saturday morning where our covers have somehow become a part of us and our alarm is not something we miss. 

However, if you’re feeling stressed about some upcoming deadlines, try waking up earlier. The key word here being earlier, not early. Start by waking up just ten minutes earlier than you do now and continue to set your alarm back ten minutes each day to work your way up to your ideal wake up time - no snooze necessary. 

Don’t use this time to “catch up” on work, but to slow down and fill your cup first so that you can meet your workday already fulfilled, energized, and motivated. Think: listening to your favorite podcast, working out, meditating, or reading a good book.

In the beginning of the year I made the mistake of doing too much in the morning: exercising, meditating, cold shower, journaling, and gratitude. Although these are all helpful accompaniments to any morning routine, I was actually stressing myself out more because I felt rushed to get it all done. I switched to only doing two things each morning that best served me that day: exercise + cold shower or meditation + journal. Remember that your morning routine is for you, not for the ‘Gram.

3. Give yourself a reminder for why early bedtimes rock.

In order to enjoy the earlier morning wakeups, it’s essential to set yourself up for success. One of my favorite forms of self-sabotage is to not go to bed early enough the night before and still have the nerve to be salty with my morning self when she is not feeling the 6 am wakeup. 

Challenge yourself to charge your phone in another room, turn the tv off, make yourself a mug of camomile, and get your snooze on. When you wake up the next morning, write down one word or phrase for how you feel when you got enough rest on a sticky note. 

When you’re thinking about scrolling Tik Tok or watching just one more episode, read your sticky note and let it serve as a reminder that your morning self will thank you if you shut it down and get your shut-eye.

4. Be on time.

Whether you work from home, in the office, or both - being “on time” can be trickier these days. It can mean signing in at a specific time, getting in your car, waiting in line for the train, you name it. 

No matter what “being on time” means for you, remember that leaving the house or entering your WFH space a few minutes ahead will help you account for any unforeseeable delays, reduce stress, and leave you feeling prepared and confident for the day. 

5. Practice positivity.

One of my favorite hacks for the Monday morning blues or the Friday afternoon check out is to pause and name aloud everything that’s going right at that moment:

The sun is out.

I like the outfit I’m wearing.

I’m getting a lot done today.

I feel energized from my coffee.

I’m healthy.

When you pause and actually say these things out loud, it will help shift you into a more motivated and productive mindset which is the key to getting back into a routine.

If nothing else, remember this.

Shifting out of your routine will happen, especially in the warmer months. Making a small change like implementing one of these tips can help shift you into that sweet spot where you make magic happen - for yourself and for the world around you.