How to Create an Evening Routine: A 5-step guide for busy leaders

How to Create an Evening Routine


The worst version of yourself and the best version of yourself walk into your bedroom. It’s 10 pm on a Monday, and no matter worst or best, both versions of you are tired.

You can already picture what the worst version of yourself would do here. Probably scroll some form of social media, stay up later than needed, and absolutely not floss.

And the best version of yourself?

Doing something to unwind, expressing gratitude, and putting the phone down to get some much needed zzz’s.

Here’s the kicker.

No matter how the day goes, the version of yourself that you’ll meet in your bedroom could be the worst, the best, or somewhere in between. They could know exactly what type of self-care you need or not have a clue. They could feel self-critical or self-loving.

The bottom line?

The varying Monday-night-10-pm versions of yourself all need the same thing: routine.

Routine doesn’t make you boring, nor does it need to be complicated.

As a somatic coach who has devoted her life to helping people leverage the nervous system to manage their emotions more effectively, Jay Fields says that routine should be, “what you need to do to get back to good.”

What you need to do to get back to good doesn’t need you to think about it.

When you’re tired, frustrated, or just downright drained–it’s important to have an evening routine already in place that hits on five major components: unplug, supplement, ambiance, reflect, and read. The already in place part is key - because after working a full day, making dinner, spending time with family/friends, and doing chores, you won’t have leftover energy to decide which meditation type is best.

Evening Routine Step #1: Unplug

This one is straightforward, but also the hardest and most necessary step. Truly unplugging allows the other four steps to have a greater impact, like when you exfoliate first so your other skincare products can sink in deeper.

Challenge yourself to set a timer for 15 minutes to respond to any texts, call your mom back, or Google that one show your coworker told you to watch, and then put your phone on the charger in another room not to be unlocked until tomorrow morning. This sends yourself the message that it’s time to take care of you, without interruption.

Evening Routine Step #2: Supplement

With input from a medical professional, decide if supplements like melatonin, magnesium, CBD, or essential oils are right for you. Giving your body what it needs before bed can help you achieve better sleep, reduce stress, and amplify your energy the next day.

Evening Routine Step #3: Ambiance

The mood called and said it’s time to start setting it not just for date nights, but for bedtime, too. Don’t overthink this one - lighting a candle, turning on soothing tunes, or putting your fav pj set on are all effective ways to shift the ambiance from go-mode to slow-mode.

Evening Routine Step #4: Reflect

Some folks are journalers, others are mediators. You are ___________. Whether it’s a gratitude practice, a short writing prompt about something that moved you that day, or a moment to focus on your breath, reflection in all its forms helps us to remember what we’re here for and celebrate the small victories we’re doing to work towards that purpose.

Evening Routine Step #5: Read

Since your phone has already been put to sleep, give your eyes and your mind something else to feast on - like the words of your favorite author or a book you’ve just discovered. Reading before bed helps reduce negative thought patterns about the day and give your mind a break from thinking about what you have to do tomorrow. Get lost in someone else’s world, if only for a few minutes.

To recap your new evening routine:

  1. Unplug

  2. Supplement

  3. Ambiance

  4. Reflect

  5. Read

If nothing else, remember this.

Your evening routine should be something you don’t have to think about and is just there - like that one freckle on your arm. Even if you have 5 minutes before closing your eyes, you can make this 5-step structure happen. Your zzz’s (and your peace) will thank you.